Chess Opening Encylopedia

Extensive Opening Databases
Openings Encyclopedia 2014 has all the data needed to support your opening studies right at your fingertips:

Opening Tables Opening tables are a powerful tool, which complements the move tree and present the theory in a familiar format. As the opening tables are dynamically generated, you can create a table for any position. You can add your own moves, variations and annotations to opening tables.
Opening Classifiers: Overview of Openings and Variations
Classifiers allow you to view the variations covered by Openings Encyclopedia 2014 through a Windows Explorer style interface. If you want to study a particular variation, just double click on its folder in the classifier.
Tree Display Openings Encyclopedia 2014 also uses position databases, which has several advantages over traditional game databases. A tree representation gives you an overview of the current positions, which moves have been played or analyzed in the position and performance statistics. The tree catches all transpositions.
Openings Encyclopedia 2014 has all the data needed to support your opening studies right at your fingertips:
- A game database with 5.4 million games.
- Over 8,000 text annotations from GM Kalinin
- Over 500,000 expert evaluations of key opening positions.
- Over 40 million opening positions analyzed by Rybka and Houdini.

Opening Tables Opening tables are a powerful tool, which complements the move tree and present the theory in a familiar format. As the opening tables are dynamically generated, you can create a table for any position. You can add your own moves, variations and annotations to opening tables.
Opening Classifiers: Overview of Openings and Variations
Classifiers allow you to view the variations covered by Openings Encyclopedia 2014 through a Windows Explorer style interface. If you want to study a particular variation, just double click on its folder in the classifier.

Tree Display Openings Encyclopedia 2014 also uses position databases, which has several advantages over traditional game databases. A tree representation gives you an overview of the current positions, which moves have been played or analyzed in the position and performance statistics. The tree catches all transpositions.

This excellent program for learning chess openings includes theoretical material on every opening, a user-friendly and detailed classification of variations, a quick search option and an option for analyzing games and positions.

There are two ways of studying an opening: by looking through encyclopedic tables for chosenopenings or variations and by moving along a Chess Tree displaying expert evaluations of a current position.
Openings material is based upon
- 500 000 expert evaluations, verified and corrected by Rybka
- 8 000 annotations to key moves
- 40 million evaluations by Houdini and Rybka engines
- Database of 5,400,000 games as of December 1, 2013.

A Rybka 2.3 program is integrated into the Encyclopedia with a possibility of simple connection to Houdini 4, Rybka 4 or other UCI and Winboard engines.. A powerful system of search according to player’ name, position, positional element, motif and material correlation is supported.
A test of opening mode will allow you to test your knowledge and your skill of playing in your chosen opening against the program and to obtain recommendations automatically.
Language versions: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
System requirements: PC, 128 MB RAM, 2.5GB of free disk space, Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
Rp. 25.000,-
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Cara Pemesanan:
- Transfer ke BCA 837-0014-991 a/n. Willy Sutanto. (Bank lain lihat di INFO).
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