Modern Chess Opening
Complete Set Volume I - VII

This product features seven volumes of Modern Chess Opening series, covering almost all chess openings. The series provide detailed classification and contain a lot of training material.
Modern Chess Opening Set is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the opening. Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves.

The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas of each variation for White and Black. Also program include many exercises for a user to solve, giving refutations of the wrong moves as well as numerous hints to help you find the correct answer.
The material presented was prepared by the grandmasters Kalinin and Kalinichenko.

Modern Chess Opening
Volume I
Open Games (1.e4 e5)

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 1, Open Games course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 862 games/lectures each of them illustrating typical plans and methods in the following openings:
- Center Opening
- North gambit
- Bishop’s opening
- King’s Knight opening
- Latvian gambit
- Ponziani opening
- Philidor opening
- Three Knight’s game
- Hungarian game
- Vienna game
- Four Knights game
- Kings Gambit
- Evans Gambit
- Italian game
- Two Knights game
- Petroff defense
- Scotch game
- Ruy Lopez defense
Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves. The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas of each variation for White and Black. Also program include more than 600 exercises for a user to solve, giving refutations of the wrong moves as well as numerous hints to help you find the correct answer.
Modern Chess Opening
Volume II
Semi-Open Games (1.e4)

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 2, Semi-Open Games (1.e4) course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 426 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the following openings:
- Scandinavian defense
- Alekhine defense
- Pirc defense
- Caro-Kann defense
- French defense
Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves. The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas of each variation for White and Black. Also program include more than 500 exercises for a user to solve, giving refutations of the wrong moves as well as numerous hints to help you find the correct answer.
Modern Chess Opening
Volume III
Sicilian Defense (1.e4 c5)

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 3, Sicilian Defense course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 509 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the following variations of Sicilian Defense:
- system 2.c3
- Scheveningen
- Rauser Attack
- Chelyabinsk variation
- the systems with e7-e5
- Dragon variation
- Najdorf variation
- Paulsen system
- Closed system (2.Nc3)
- Moscow variation (2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5)
- Rossolimo variation (2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5)
- etc.
Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves. The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas of each variation for White and Black. Also program include more than 600 exercises for a user to solve, giving refutations of the wrong moves as well as numerous hints to help you find the correct answer.
Modern Chess Opening
Volume IV
Semi-Closed Games (1.e4 Nf6 2.c4 g6)

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 4, Semi-Closed Games course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 266 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the main variations of Kings Indian defense and Gruenfeld defense.
Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves. The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas of each variation for White and Black. Also program include more than 500 exercises for a user to solve, giving refutations of the wrong moves as well as numerous hints to help you find the correct answer.
Modern Chess Opening
Volume V
Semi-Closed Games (1.e4 Nf6 2.c4 e6)

- Nimzo-Indian defense
- Queen’s Indian defense
- Catalan opening.
Modern Chess Opening
Volume VI
Closed Games (1.d4 d5)

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 6, Closed Games course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 416 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the following openings:
- Queen’s gambit
- Queen’s gambit accepted
- Cambridge springs variation
- Tarrasch defense
- Slav defense
Modern Chess Opening
Volume VII
Other Openings

This is a perfect opening manual that contains a detailed classification. Modern Chess Opening, vol. 7 course is aimed at teaching a student much of the opening and middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes 258 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the following openings:
- English defense
- Dutch defense
- Queen’s pawn opening (1.d4 Nf6 2. Nf3)
- Benko gambit
- Modern Benoni defense
- RFeti opening
- King’s Indian opening
- Old Indian defense
- Trompovsky opening
- 1.b3
- Sokolskiy opening
Semua materi dikemas dalam 1 DVD
(Modern Chess Opening Volume I - VII)
Rp. 25.000,-(Modern Chess Opening Volume I - VII)
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
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