[Roman's Lab]
Volume 011
Greatest Games of Chess Ever Played
- Part 2 -

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 012
New Improvements in Opening Theory
for the Competitive Player
for the Competitive Player

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 013
Maximizing Your Opening Success
with Black
for Ambitious Tournament Players
with Black
for Ambitious Tournament Players

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 014
Improve Your Combinational
Preparation and Tactics Skills
- Part 1 -
Preparation and Tactics Skills
- Part 1 -

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 015
Improve Your Combinational
Preparation and Tactics Skills
- Part 2 -
Preparation and Tactics Skills
- Part 2 -

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 016
Learn to Play
the English Opening
the Easy Way
the English Opening
the Easy Way

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 017
Unbeatable Secret Weapons
for Black

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 018
Blitz as a Tool
to Better Chess & Secrets in
Chess Computer Programs
to Better Chess & Secrets in
Chess Computer Programs

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 019
Understand and Dominate
with Pawn Structures

[Roman's Lab]
Volume 020
Step by Step Essential
in Closed Position

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(Volume 001 s/d 100)
10 DVD = @17.000
20 DVD = @15.000
(Harga belum termasuk Ongkos Kirim)20 DVD = @15.000
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