The Italian Game
- a White Weapon Against 1..e5 -
The Italian Game
- a White Weapon Against 1..e5 -
Stefan Kindermann

On this DVD, Grandmaster Stefan Kindermann will give you a complete repertoire against 1...e5 after your 1.e4.
1.General historical introduction, how to work with that DVD, Heroes and models of the Italian game:
Giachomo Greco in the 17.century-Giuoco Pianissimo-killing them softly … The 80es with Sergei Dolmatov and John Nunn, nowadays Sergey Movsesian and Sergei Tiviakov (maybe the Italian should be renamed to "Sergeys Game”!?) both reaching 2700 with the Italian as a main weapon. The young Ukrainians Sachar Efimenko and Areshenko also using the Italian game to great effect. All of them can be used for creating a "model-database”.
2. Three illustrative games with general strategic explanations will get you in the "Italian spirit". No need to memorize here, just relax, enjoy and let your subconscious do some work for you!
3. Typical recurring motives, tricks and traps that will enable you to counter recurring situations in or out of theory.
4. Specific move orders and some "hardcore-theory"
5. Test yourself: Training positions and the algorithm of masterly thinking.
Theoretical Contents of this DVD:
Positions arising after 1.e4 e5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.Lc4 Sf6 4.d3 Lc5 5.c3 (or via move order 3…Lc5 4.c3 Sf6 5.d3)
1.General historical introduction, how to work with that DVD, Heroes and models of the Italian game:
Giachomo Greco in the 17.century-Giuoco Pianissimo-killing them softly … The 80es with Sergei Dolmatov and John Nunn, nowadays Sergey Movsesian and Sergei Tiviakov (maybe the Italian should be renamed to "Sergeys Game”!?) both reaching 2700 with the Italian as a main weapon. The young Ukrainians Sachar Efimenko and Areshenko also using the Italian game to great effect. All of them can be used for creating a "model-database”.
2. Three illustrative games with general strategic explanations will get you in the "Italian spirit". No need to memorize here, just relax, enjoy and let your subconscious do some work for you!
3. Typical recurring motives, tricks and traps that will enable you to counter recurring situations in or out of theory.
4. Specific move orders and some "hardcore-theory"
5. Test yourself: Training positions and the algorithm of masterly thinking.
Theoretical Contents of this DVD:
Positions arising after 1.e4 e5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.Lc4 Sf6 4.d3 Lc5 5.c3 (or via move order 3…Lc5 4.c3 Sf6 5.d3)
Language: English
Video Running Time : 3 hours 40 minutes
Video Running Time : 3 hours 40 minutes

Harga DVD
Rp. 15.000,-
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Cara Pemesanan:
- Transfer ke BCA 837-0014-991 a/n. Willy Sutanto. (Bank lain lihat di INFO).
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