CHESSBASE Fritz-Trainer
Alexei Shirov

01. An Action - How to Crown Positional Play by Tactics
02. Beating the Berlin Defense
03. Endgame Fireworks
04. Fascinated by the French Winawer
04. Fascinated by the French Winawer
05. Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez
06. My Best Games in the Caro-Kann07. My Best Games in the Gruenfeld
08. My Best Games in the King's Indian
09. My Best Games in the Nimzo-Indian
10. My Best Games in the Petroff Defense
11. My Best Games in the Sicilian
12. My Best Games in the Sicilian Najdorf
13. My Best Games in the Slav and Semi-Slav
14. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.1
15. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.2
16. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.3
17. My Best Games in the Sveshnikov
18. My Best Games with Black
19. The Advanced Caro-Kann (2nd Edition)
20. The Philidor Defence
21. The Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Bg5
22. The Sicilian with 3.Bb5
23. The Slav and Semi-Slav Revisited
14. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.1
15. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.2
16. My Best Games in the Spanish Vol.3
17. My Best Games in the Sveshnikov
18. My Best Games with Black
19. The Advanced Caro-Kann (2nd Edition)
20. The Philidor Defence
21. The Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Bg5
22. The Sicilian with 3.Bb5
23. The Slav and Semi-Slav Revisited
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Rp. 20.000,-
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